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Search the Community

Search your community to find people, businesses, services and more!

Logged in members of OURONN can search their community!



  1. Click the search button on the top right or “Search” in your profile menu. The search sidebar will open and display some featured community members and topics.
  2. Type who or what you’re searching for and select a result from the list.

Mobile (iOS and Android)

  1. Press the search button at the button of the app to go to Search Your Community. If you’ve searched something recently, the last results of your search will be displayed. Otherwise, some featured community members and topics will be displayed.
  2. Type who or what you’re searching for and select a result from the list.

How to Search

OURONN makes it easy to find the people, businesses and topics you’re looking for. Just start typing a term and OURONN will give you profiles and topics that match that term. You also have the option to use the term you entered directly.

Go to Profile

OURONN will search for any profiles whose name or username is similar to the term you entered. The profiles will be displayed in the results and clicking one will take you straight to their profile!

Search for Topic

OURONN will search for any topics that are close to the term you entered and display them in the results. Clicking a topic will take you to its explore page where you will find profiles, posts and splashes that use that topic!

Search for Term

You can also explore a term directly. Clicking “Search for term” will take you to its explore page where you will find profiles, posts and splashes that contain that term!

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